Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Publishing blog entries is 99% of the responsibility you've got as a blog owner.  So, if you're not publishing entries, you've got a web address with either (1) very little content, or (2) very old content. 

No matter which problem you've got, nothing will turn away a reader faster.
Take it from me!!

Roses Be Read

Bees descended to the petals,
Antennae quivering.
Perfume rose from the petals,
Into the air rivering.
The roses were read,
The roses were bred,
The bees returned home
To honey and bed.
Class two, Blogging for Beginners, we are learning about the different blog site options.  How to post and customize blog template features.  Adding an image to the post as well.
What's up blog class? Thanks Holly for the test run!! Shannon